G-Stomper VA-Beast is a polyphonic virtual analog Synthesizer to produce complex synthetic sounds of any variety, designed for experienced sound designers as well as for beginners. So it's up to you if you just explore the Factory sounds or if you start right away with designing your own sounds in impressive studio quality. Its sound capabilities paired with the intuitive and clearly laid out interface simply makes G-Stomper VA-Beast to the ultimate Mobile Synthesizer. You will be able to create the sounds you want, and you'll do it faster than on any other mobile synthesizer.
Demo restrictions: 5 Synthesizer Tracks, Limited Load/Save and Export functionality
Instruments and Pattern Sequencer
• VA-Beast Synthesizer : Polyphonic Virtual Analog Performance Synthesizer (Advanced FM support, Waveform and Multi-Sample based Synthesis)
• VA-Beast Poly Grid : Polyphonic Step Sequencer, max 12 Tracks
• Piano Keyboard : On various Screens (8 Octaves switchable)
• Timing & Measure : Tempo, Swing Quantization, Time Signature, Measure
• Line Mixer : Mixer with up to 12 Channels (Parametric 3-band Equalizer + Insert Effects per Channel)
• Effect Rack : 3 chainable Effect Units
• Master Section : 2 Sum Effect Units
Audio Editor
• Audio Editor : Graphical Sample Editor/Recorder
• 2 oscillator assemblies, each with 6 regular waveforms: saw, pulse, triangle, sine, noise, dual sine (allows up to 4-Operator FM)
• Full Multi-Sample support per oscillator (7th Waveform: PCM)
• Oscillator Sync
• Powerful Modulation Framework: FM, Differential FM, Filter Frequency/Resonance Modulation, Distortion, Distortion Ring Modulation (extra oscillator aboard), Ring Modulation
• 5 FM algorithms: PhaseFM (like in DX7), Log+, Log+/-, Lin+, Lin+/-
• 3 Modulation LFOs / per voice (usable in cycling or envelope mode)
• 3 Modulation Envelopes / per voice (usable in Attack Decay, Attack Hold Release or repeating AD mode)
• 1 free assignable Morph Group (Modulation Wheel)
• 2 Filter Sections, each with 8 filter types
• 3 Dedicated ADSR Envelopes for filter frequency and Amplification
• Vibrato
• Stereo Unison (up to 5 layers)
• Arpeggiator
• Polyphonic Glide: Morph between complete chords
• Polyphonic Legato: Morph between complete chords without re-triggering the envelopes
• Chord Memory: Map complete chords to a single key
Feature Highlights
• Ableton Link: Play in sync with any Link-enabled app and/or Ableton Live
• Full round-trip MIDI integration (IN/OUT), Android 5+: USB (host), Android 6+: USB (host+peripheral) + Bluetooth (host)
• High Quality Audio Engine (32bit float DSP algorithms)
• 47 Effect Types including Dynamic Processors, Resonant Filters, Distortions, Delays, Reverbs, Vocoders, and more
+ Side Chain Support, Tempo sync, LFOs, Envelope Followers
• Tablet optimized
• Full Motion Sequencing/Automation Support
• Import MIDI files as Patterns
Full Version only
• Support for additional Content-Packs
• WAV File Export, 8..32bit up to 96kHz: Sum or Track by Track Export for later use in the Digital Audio Workstation of your choice
• Real-Time Audio Recording of your Live Sessions, 8..32bit up to 96kHz
• Export Patterns as MIDI for later use in your favorite DAW or MIDI Sequencer
• Share your exported Music
FAQ: https://www.planet-h.com/faq
Support Forum: https://www.planet-h.com/gstomperbb/
User Manual: https://www.planet-h.com/documentation/
Minimum recommended device specs
1000 MHz dual-core cpu
800 * 480 screen resolution
Headphones or speakers
Storage read/write: load/save
Bluetooth+Location: MIDI over BLE
Record Audio: Sample Recorder
Added a new setting "setup / UI / Quick Navigation Bar" which allows to ...
- activate (if the screen ratio allows it)
- deactivate (force letterbox)
Fixed an issue in the file picker that didn't allow to access audio samples with upper case extensions (e.g., .WAV)
Updated to the latest NDK version r28
Updated to the latest AndroidX libraries
Improved amp envelope of the VA-Beast synth to eliminate unwanted harmonic artefacts when using sine waves with short attack/decay/release times
New feature in the tonal grid edit mode to select/deselect all notes of the current bar/all bars
Minor improvement of app internal the file formats
Minor bugfixes in the grid sequencer edit section
Updated to the latest NDK LTS version r27c
Updated to the latest AndroidX libraries
Touch-move-drop editor mode for poly grid (activated by default)
- You can now place and move around notes in the poly grid by touching, moving, and dropping them
- Optionally, you can switch back to the classic paint mode in the grid cfg or via SETUP / UI
Paused + Recording state is now correctly handled when receiving a MIDI start event
Fixed a bug in tempo calculation when receiving MIDI clock while the sequencer is stopped
Synth KB-Hold now allows to toggle keys on and off by pressing the same key several times
Updated "Privacy Policy": Minor renaming in the "Social Media Share Buttons" section
Updated to the latest NDK26b
Maintenance update: Upgraded the used AndroidX libraries to newer versions for best compatibility
Fixed the generic importer (main menu / imp / G-Stomper file from Shared Storage) in Android 13/14
Fixed the MIDI fallback driver in Android 14
Fully prepared the app for Android 14
Updated to the latest Ableton Link libraries
Updated to the latest NDK26
"Clone current bar" feature can now select destination bars (instead of all bars)
Updated to the latest Ableton Link libraries
Updated to the latest NDK25c
Fixed the full screen bug related to the navigation bar on Android 13
Fully prepared the app for Android 13
Removed the "Allow to navigate out of user folders" setting on Android 8 and higher, as no other folders can be accessed anyway on later OS versions
Updated to the latest Ableton Link libraries
Updated to the latest NDK25b
Fully prepared the app for Android 12.1
Fixed several Bluetooth LE permission issues
Updated to the latest Ableton Link libraries
Updated to the latest NDK24
Larger bpm indicator on play button while playback is running
Updated to the latest NDK23
Updated to the latest Ableton Link libraries
Updated the Ableton Link libraries to v.3.0.3
Fully prepared the app for the upcoming Android 12
Updated "Privacy Policy": Updated App Permission disclosure (Bluetooth Access) due to the preparations for the upcoming Android 12
Several Bugfixes in the MIDI integration
Updated to the latest Google Play Services libraries (required for MIDI over BLE)
Updated to the latest Android native libraries for best Audio performance
Compatibility changes and preparations for the use with Android 11/R
Added global (Track independent) MIDI mappings for Mixer Channel Volume and Panorama in "SETUP / MIDI / Global CC/NRPN Mappings"
Maintenance release, minor bug fixes and improvements
Maintenance release, minor bug fixes and improvements
Upgraded to the latest Ableton Link API
Timing & Measure: Overhaul of the Time Signature handling (special thanks to Jon for his great help)
- The Time Signature Wizard now correctly creates Triplet beats for 3/8, 6/8, 9/8, 12/8, and so on.
- The detected Time Signature on the display now reflects the selected timing parameters correctly
Fixed the wrongly dropped/held notes when switching between patterns with VA-Beast Arpeggio to such without VA-Beast Arpeggio (and vice versa)
New Setting in the MIDI Setup (Android 6 or higher only) to turn the startup scan for Virtual MIDI Ports of other apps ON/OFF (turned OFF by default)
Added Multi-Window/Split Screen Support on devices running Android 7.0 or higher
Various optimizations in the graphic assets for tablet screens
Fixed a bug in the app-internal graphics cache
Reorganization of the Edit controls in the the VA-Beast Poly Grid, + new Delete function to delete a selection of notes
Added Confirm Boxes to "Random" button on the VA-Beast Poly Grid to avoid accidental clicks
Various minor label changes in the audio and midi export UI
Various minor bugs fixed
Fixed a bug in the VA-Beast 'Lock Mixer-Ch' feature, which resulted in unwanted updates of the insert FX in some situations
The VA-Beast onscreen keyboards now always send the correct NoteOff events, even if another octave or synth instance was selected between pressing and releasing the key
New KB ON/OFF switch on the VA-Beast main view (below the octave selector)
Minor label changes
User Interface cleanup in the Timing & Measure section
Enabled MIDI for ChromeOS devices
Various bugs fixed
Fixed the too large UI dimensions on ultra wide screens with display cutout for the front camera (e.g. Xiaomi A2 Lite, LG G7 ThinQ, and more)
The app is now fully prepared for Android P (9.0)
Minor bug fixes in the Ableton Link integration
Fixed a performance bug in the portrait operation mode
Due to a bug in the Android 8.0 operating system, we had to raise the min required Android Version for the AAudio Audio System to Android 8.1 (this fixes various crashes on devices running Android 8.0)
New "Lock Mixer" feature to temporary lock the mixer and keep its setup even if you load new patterns
Upgraded to the latest Ableton Link 3.0.2 API
Updated "Terms of Use" (Main Menu / Help / Terms of Use)
Updated "Privacy Policy" (Main Menu / Help / Privacy Policy)
Updated User Manual
Maintenance release:
Minor changes in the 'Contact Developer' module
Various minor bugs fixed
New "Pan/Vol" effect in the "other" tab of the FX selector (simply lets you adjust the panorama and volume in an FX unit)
Various minor bugs fixed
Updated User Manual
MIDI settings (including CC and Key mappings) can now be saved as presets for later use on the same or another device (the presets can be shared between G-Stomper Studio, Rhythm and VA-Beast)
Updated Terms of Use: New section about "Automatic Copyright Infringement Detection Systems"
Several minor bugs fixed
Updated Help section (User Manual + Tutorials)
Several minor bug fixes
Added "Terms of Use" to the help menu (Main Menu / Help / Terms of Use)Minor changes in the "Privacy Policy" (Main Menu / Help / Privacy Policy)Added a workaround for certain Android 8 devices to prevent them from crashing when showing adaptive iconsFixed a UI bug on certain Lenovo devicesSeveral minor bug fixeshttps://www.planet-h.com/g-stomper-va-beast/vab-whats-new/
Upgraded to the latest Ableton Link 3.0.1 API: Now supporting start/stop syncTo protect your privacy, we have completely removed all sort of analysis data collection, push notifications and all other frameworks that have transmitted data out of our apps.https://www.planet-h.com/g-stomper-va-beast/vab-whats-new/
NEW MIDI Importer: Import MIDI files as Patterns (Main Menu / IMP / MIDI Sequence (.mid/.midi))MIDI Exporter: Now supporting multiple loop cycles, humanize timing, and musical Time SignatureTiming & Measure section: Now showing the musical Time Signature of your Patterns + a new Wizard to setup new Patterns by selecting a musical Time Signaturehttp://www.planet-h.com/g-stomper-va-beast/vab-whats-new/
Added a workaround for a bug in Sony's Android 8.0 build to prevent the affected devices from crashinghttp://www.planet-h.com/g-stomper-va-beast/vab-whats-new/
Updated the Ableton Link backend with the latest changes from AbletonNew assignable MIDI Global Key mappings:- PLAY/STOP/RECORD (one key mapping for each) : NoteOnSeveral minor bugs fixedhttp://www.planet-h.com/g-stomper-va-beast/vab-whats-new/
Fixed a bug in the MIDI driver (MIDI IN) that resulted in rarely dropped Note Events (very special thanks to Justin from Livid for reporting the bug)Several rare crash bugs fixed (special thanks to Google for the detailed crash reports)Updated to the latest Google Librarieshttp://www.planet-h.com/g-stomper-va-beast/vab-whats-new/
New app internal Bluetooth LE Scanner, which lets you scan and connect BLE MIDI devices directly in the MIDI settings (rather than using the Android Bluetooth settings)Added fallback icons for Android 8 devices which do not properly support adaptive icons yet (e.g. Sony Xperia XZ)http://www.planet-h.com/g-stomper-va-beast/vab-whats-new/
Maintenance release with a bunch of stability improvements and bug fixeshttp://www.planet-h.com/g-stomper-va-beast/vab-whats-new/
The VA-Beast Poly Grid now supports Micro Steps (press EDIT, select Micro Step, then use the arrows)Micro Steps are now included in the MIDI ExportNew 'Humanize Timing' feature to add random micro timing inaccuracies to simulate a human musician (Long press VT.. / Humanize Timing)You can now set a logical name for each VA-Beast Track, independent of the track content (Long press VT.. / Set Track Name)Bugfixeshttp://www.planet-h.com/g-stomper-va-beast/vab-whats-new/
New Android Oreo Adaptive App IconsOptimized letterbox navigator for ultra wide screen formats (e.g. Galaxy S8)Virtual MIDI devices (provided by other apps) are now working correctlyUpdated the Ableton Link backend with the latest changes from AbletonBPM controls in Play Menu now react correctly to minor tempo changes (+/- 0.1 bpm) coming from Ableton LinkSeveral minor bugfixeshttp://www.planet-h.com/g-stomper-va-beast/vab-whats-new/
Minor bugfixes in the audio file sharing mechanismVarious minor UI bugs fixedUpdated privacy policy (no longer checking for the presence of other G-Stomper products)http://www.planet-h.com/g-stomper-va-beast/vab-whats-new/
Fixed several MIDI Start + MIDI Clock timing issuesBluetooth LE MIDI OUT is now working correctly when firing MIDI events right after connectionFixed the Android O AAudio crash when plugging/unplugging speakers or headset to/from the headphone jack while the app is runningSeveral minor UI bugs fixedhttp://www.planet-h.com/g-stomper-va-beast/vab-whats-new/
Optimized letterbox navigator for 1:1.41 (root 2) screen aspect ratios (e.g. Pixel C)Enabled Sustained Performance Mode for devices running Android N and higherOptimizations for Android O devices:- Replaced deprecated AAudio API calls (special thanks to Phil for the hint)- Implemented notification channelsMinor bug fix in the MIDI OUT integrationMinor bug fixes in the sequencer coreMany minor UI bugs fixedUpdated Privacy Policyhttp://www.planet-h.com/g-stomper-va-beast/vab-whats-new/
Various minor bug fixeshttp://www.planet-h.com/g-stomper-va-beast/vab-whats-new/
New Audio System (AAudio) for Android O devices. AAudio is a new low latency audio API that is part of the upcoming Android O (8.0)Various rare crash bugs fixed (special thanks to Google for the improved crash reports)http://www.planet-h.com/g-stomper-va-beast/vab-whats-new/
The app is now ready for Android O (8.0)Many rare crash bugs fixed (special thanks to Google for the improved crash reports)http://www.planet-h.com/g-stomper-va-beast/vab-whats-new/